Agriculture Victoria’s Rob O’Connor said webinar participants would gain a better understanding of the factors that influenced irrigation supplies in the connected southern basin and how irrigation availability in one region could impact on other regions.
“Our aim is for participants to be better equipped to make earlier and more informed decisions in future seasons to better deal with variable water supplies,” Mr O’Connor said.
The first webinar will run on Thursday, May 26, from 1pm to 2 pm. This webinar will provide an overview of the southern Murray-Darling Basin, how water in key storages is shared between states and regions, and the characteristics of the different southern basin water entitlements.
The second webinar will run on Thursday, June 9, from 1pm to 2 pm. This webinar will discuss southern basin allocation processes and the impact of carryover water, dam spills and unregulated flows on irrigation supplies.
The final webinar will run on Friday, June 24, from 1pm to 2 pm and will cover southern basin water trade, water trade limits, Environmental Water Allowance payback and the irrigation situation and outlook for 2022-23.
The expert speaker will be Garry Smith from DG Consulting. Mr Smith has more than 30 years’ experience in the rural water sector and has led projects in water management, water policy and planning, water trading and water knowledge building across the Murray-Darling Basin.
To register in advance for these webinars, go to:
For more information, phone Rob O’Connor on 0408 515 652.