Front Page
Shepparton, AU
February 4, 2025
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Wind: 16 Km/h

ABOUT US is the digital extension of an extremely successful weekly newspaper published by the McPherson Media Group.

Our goal is to become the biggest agricultural news site in Australia, a national digital platform that is the voice of rural Australia, expressed through verticals that define rural life and business

A network of journalists, editors and contributors who all share a passion for regional Australia, Country News is your best source for stories about life on the land, including opinion, analysis and breaking news, as it happens.

Country News welcomes contributions from the community of farmers, experts and professionals who make their living and life on the land. If you would like to contribute there are several ways to do so.

– Tip or story idea: Get in touch and give us a tip of a great story idea

– Contribute an article or pictures for one of our sections: If you are an expert in your field then contributing once off, or regularly is a great way to get started in the Country News network. Get in touch on the Contact Us page.

– Become an Author: The Country News network is open to those occasional contributors who are experts in their field or authorities on a subject or area. Once you have contributed an article, and the editorial team have approved you, we can set you up with a regular column to contribute. We would love to hear from you. Contact Us

We look forward to having you become part of the Country News family!

Sandy Lloyd, Editor.