Goulburn-Murray Water is offering an option to enable them to top up their rationed water supplies.
Rationing restrictions are currently in place for about 370 customers in the Dingee, Calivil and Boort areas.
Irrigators in the rationed areas are currently entitled to order water up to 120 per cent of their delivery share over a 10-day cycle.
G-MW has identified that rationed customers may be able to receive delivery of more water if it is sourced from the Loddon water system (trading zone 5A).
“Most customers in the Loddon Valley Irrigation Area are supplied from the Goulburn water system via the Waranga Western Channel,” water resources manager Mark Bailey said.
“G-MW has investigated the ability for Loddon Valley Irrigation Area customers to access more water from the Loddon water system, in addition to what they can use under the current ration.
“After considering the impact on other customers and system operations, we are supporting customers in these areas to consider this option.”
Customers currently in a rationing cycle will not have their orders affected. G-MW will continue to deliver water within the full capacity of the Waranga Western Channel.
Dr Bailey said G-MW appreciated customers’ patience during this period.
“This is the first time in decades G-MW has needed to use rationing to ensure fair access to water,” he said.
“The irrigation landscape and water-use patterns have changed considerably since the last time rationing was implemented.
“This is why we have taken time to carefully investigate all the impacts of any operating changes.”
Dr Bailey said one of the possible benefits was that irrigators in the rationing area may now have more options to have water delivered when they needed it.
“However, it is important to note that subject to demand there is the chance access to Loddon water could be delayed.”
For more information about rationing, visit: https://www.gmwater.com.au/rationing
For more information about accessing Loddon system water and water trading, visit the Victorian Water Register website.