The Loddon Campaspe Irrigation Region Land and Water Management Plan 2020-2030 was launched by Parliamentary Secretary for Water Harriet Shing in early December.
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The plan will deliver education opportunities for farmers and local communities and new research and monitoring that will direct investment to tackling the impact inappropriate land and water management can have to livelihoods, biodiversity and salinity.
Ms Shing said the plan encouraged and supported land managers to be active in their roles as environmental stewards and continue to contribute to environmental outcomes.
“The plan will see the delivery of many on-ground actions that can make a big difference to an irrigation business,” she said.
Incentives will be offered to irrigators to encourage the adoption of efficient irrigation technology and soil management and for environmental stewardship projects such as riparian and wetland restoration and replanting native vegetation and regional bio-links.
The plan also presents opportunities to monitor the impacts of irrigation on downstream water users; improve the groundwater monitoring network across northern Victoria; and creates more opportunities for self-determination and involvement of Traditional Owners and Indigenous landholders in land and water management.
It will also determine priorities for investing in works and measures in a range of areas helping to ensure public funds are focused on both local community and Victorian Government priorities.
North Central Catchment Management Authority worked with irrigators across the catchment for two years to develop the plan.
The Victorian Government has invested $4 million from the Victorian Sustainable Irrigation Program to deliver the plan.