Ball competition winners in Division 1 were Andrew Tregeagle with 37 points, Sharon Pyle with 36 points and Lachlan Whelan with 35 points.
Rob Klemke with 36 points, Marian Ayres with 31 points and James Braybon with 29 points were the ball winners in Division 2.
NTPs on the 13th went to Beth White, and Paul Pinnuck on the 18th.
There were not many for the Thursday 9-hole competition, and the winner was Colin McNamara with 20 points.
Ball competition winner was Matt Daniel with 19 points.
Saturday was a medley stroke round, and the winner of Division 1 was Paul Pinnuck with 80/10/70 nett.
The Division 2 winner was Eric Dean with 98/23/75 nett.
Ball competition winners were Sel Corcoran 71 nett, Harry Daniel 72 nett, Kellie White, Ian Armer jnr and Matt Daniel all with 73 nett, and Leo McNamara 74 C/B.
The NTP on the 13th went to Matt Daniel, and the 18th went to Paul Pinnuck.
Stableford medley was played on Sunday, and the Division 1 winner was Ian Litchfield with 38 points.
The Division 2 winner was Doug Smith with 34 points.
Ball competition winners were Rodger Sutton, Paul Pinnuck and Ian Armer jnr all with 36 points, Tony Smith and Ryan Donkin both with 35 points.
NTP on the 18th was Paul Pinnuck.
Friday's winner was Steve Senini (45-10-35), and runner-up was Beau Walliss (45-8.5-36.5).
Beau also won the putting with 13 putts, and ball winners were John Walker (50-13-37), Brendan Haintz (50-12.5-37.5) and Chris Cameron (40-2.5-37.5).
Saturday's winner was Marianne Whelan (47-16-31), and runner-up was Jeff Stein (42-10-32).
Chris Cameron won the putting with 10 putts, and was also a ball winner (35-2.5-32.5).
Other ball winners were Joe Nicholls (42-8.5-33.5) and Sandy Moar (52-17.5-33.5).
Sunday's winner was Jeff Stein (91-21-70) and runner-up, on a three-way countback, was Paul McVicor (92-21-71).
Chris Kelly won the putting with 27 putts, and ball winners were Marianne Whelan (103-32-710 and Chris Cameron (75-4-71).
Next Sunday is a nine hole ambrose event. Arrange your own partner for 10am tee off.
All welcome.
golf tournament results: top players and standout performances
Our course is looking fantastic and playing well.
Wednesday’s medley stableford competition winner was Denise Boland with 38 points.
Runner-up was Kerrie McLennan with 37.
NTPs: 7th Suz Graham, 15th Dave Hercus.
Sunday’s medley stroke winner was Harry Stonnill with 86/15/71 c/b, and runner-up was Laurie Blackmore with 81/10/71.
Ball comp winners were Dave Hercus 79/7/72 and Brett Boland 97/23/74.
NTPs: 5th Dave Hercus, 7th Luke Keating, 10th Harry Stonnill, 15th Dave Hercus and 16th S Forster.