On the floor: Shepparton South’s Ciaan O'Brien calls for a foul.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Shepparton South has gone three points clear on top of the Shepparton Junior Soccer Association under-16 ladder after a big win against Shepparton United on Saturday at McEwen Reserve.
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The 5-0 result was a big one for South, with the likes of Ciian O’Brien, Gamar Bakheit and Dion De Cicco all part of the winning side.
It was a significant result in the under-16 competition, with both sides previously undefeated and News photographer Rechelle Zammit was there to capture all the action.
Game mode: Shepparton South’s Ethan Alickolli focuses on the play.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Hard work: Shepparton United’s Theo Kop takes a breather.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
On the run: Shepparton South’s Gamar Bakhiet (left) and Dion De Cicco (right) make moves.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Quick feet: Shepparton South’s Ethan Alickolli starts a run.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Good pass: Shepparton United’s Kunwarpal Bhullar clears the defensive line.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Skills: Shepparton South’s Ciaan O'Brien looks to beat his United opponent Shabaz Khan.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit