There were 24 teams (that’s 96 players) competing for a chook. Three teams had won three games, then rolled off to within the yard stick.
They all had four bowls within the yard stick. The runners up were Allan Bensons’ team from Rochester with 4 bowls near the jack but didn’t have the closest bowl near the jack.
They consisted of Bert Smolenaars lead, Kip Read second, Rob Dennis third and the skipper was Allan Benson
The winning Rochester team of Anton Gusak also had 4 bowls within the yard stick but were closer to the Jack to win the day. They were Gerry Tappe lead, Alan Williams second, Don Gillies third and Aton Gusak was their skipper.
Both team members received a chook each.
Next Wednesday (September 21) 60 & over bowls is at Tongala Bowls Club 11am start.
Entries to Keith Tinning on 5859 0251 or David Keating 0409 850 328 or on the sheet at the Tongala bowls club. Good Bowling to all.
Rochester Bowls Club
Rochester’s Two Bowl Triples was one of our major events which was on Saturday, September 17.
We thank Cottam’s Family Butchers for their sponsorship but the weather, (cold, wet and windy,) was against us and we were only able to complete three games.
Clubs represented were from around the north of Victoria but also Bendigo and Phillip Island. There were 5 teams winning 3 games, but on points up, the winners were W. McCumber’s team from Woodbury. The runners-up were R. Dennis, H. Holzer and P. Holzer. Thanks to everyone around the club who helped make the day a success.
Our monthly ladies meeting has been postponed because of a funeral on Tuesday, September 20.
Tuesday morning social bowls will run as normal. Phone in by 9.15am. The next meeting of the board will be held on Monday, September 19.
A midweek pennant practice match at Rochester between White Hills and Rochester was played on Tuesday, September 13, at Rochester.
Weekend pennant practise match at White Hills is being planned for Saturday, October 8, depending on numbers. List in the foyer.
Thursday pairs (September 22) names need to be in by 11am with a 1pm start.
Weekly coaching classes of lawn wowls continues on Thursday morning at 10am. If interested, phone Accredited Club Coach Marg Knight on 0407 093 848.
60+ Over Results from Rochester’s first day for the season. There were 3 lots of 3 game winners playing off to the yardstick.
Locky’s winners from last week got 3 and were R. Hanson, A. Harris, I. Johnson and G. Turner. The runners up with 4 in the yardstick were from Rochester, A. Benson, K. Read, R. Dennis and B. Smolenaars.
Winners from Rochester with 4 and the closest bowl were A. Gusak, D. Gillies, A. Williams and G. Tappe. 60+ Over continues on September 21 at Tongala at 11am.
Bar roster 2022, September 19-22: B. Major, R. Clayton. September 26-29: B. Jones, T. Quinlan. October 3-6: B. Godden, D. Murray Duty is from 5pm until 6.30pm Monday to Friday until pennant begins in mid-October.
— David Murray