Teams: I McKenzie, J Tonta, T Danckert, L Harris (s); G Nisbet, R Little, S Laing, J Grimshaw (s); T Brooksby, M Norton, L Franklin, J Bovell (s).
Division 3 will travel to Mathoura, with leads cars leaving at 8.30am.
Teams: W Pattinson, P Harris, C Hillier, J McArthur (s); B Leetham, M Law, C Bradley, H Anderson (s).
Spectators are welcome.
Anyone wishing to see some high quality bowls should make their way to the Deniliquin Bowling Club this Sunday to witness the final of both the ladies’ and men’s Club Singles.
Fay Munnerley and Linda Harris will be competing for the coveted ladies’ title from 11.30am, while Jamie Shields will take on Simon Chisholm from 1pm.
A sausage sizzle and bar will be available in the new barbecue area, and with the predicted temperature of around 31°C it will be a nice way to spend a Sunday.
Deniliquin Bowling Club’s social bowls will resume tomorrow with a 10am start.
Names are to be done by 9.30am, to Mark Law on 0409 256 697.
Bowlers are also reminded nominations for the B Grade Pairs close this Friday, with the competition to be played on Sunday, January 16.
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The Mathoura Men’s Pairs 2x4x2 tournament will be played on Thursday, January 13, with a 10am start.
Cost for entry is $60 per team, and players are to purchase their own lunch from the bowler’s menu.
Confirm entries with Rod Werner on 0408 568 338, or phone the club (03)5880 3200.
Midweek pennant starts this Friday, and weekend pennant returns next Saturday, January 15.
The club wishes all the best to bowlers as the second half of the pennant season kicks off.