Rianna Ewert, Tully Ewert, Charli Ewert, Chloe Smith, and Willow Appleby embark on their golfing journey with a scholarship.
Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort has five special young ladies starting out on their golf careers.
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Mulwala girls, Rianna Ewert, Tully Ewert, Charli Ewert, Chloe Smith, and Willow Appleby from Yarrawonga, are recipients of a Junior Girls’ Golf Scholarship, sponsored by the Australian Golf Foundation, for girls aged nine to 16 years of age.
These young golfing pioneers will be coached at Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort by highly respected PGA professional, Sandy Jamieson.
All five girls will receive golfing tuition for 12 months, junior membership of the club and a golf handicap if they wish to play in competitions.
Hopefully they will improve their skills, further their golfing journey and have lots of fun along the way.
Women and girls are under-represented at only 20 per cent of total participation. Vision for the program is to grant 10,000 scholarships by 2030.
Currently 3,000 scholarships have been awarded throughout Australia since 2021, with 60 per cent to regional areas.