Memorable day: The Vaughan Cowan community driving range officially opened at the weekend.
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the Vaughan Cowan community driving range was officially opened in front of a small but enthusiastic group at the Benalla Golf Club.
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A long time in the making, the driving range is named after Vaughan Cowan who has dedicated almost 50 years to golf in the region.
Cowan was in attendance alongside his wife Marion.
Those in attendance included mayor Bernie Hearn, councillor Danny Claridge, Golf Club president Richard de Crespigny and Golf Australia member Tristan Zito.
Benalla golf captain Andrew Hodson opened the proceedings and welcomed everyone along to the latest attraction at the city’s local golf club.
Hodson spoke passionately about what golf means to the wider Benalla community and encouraged everyone, whether they be golfers or non-golfers alike, to use the new facilities.
De Crespigny thanked everyone who had been involved in getting the driving range up and running which included; council, Golf Australia and he paid special thanks to all the volunteers that gave up their time to see the range become a reality.
The mayor also thanked the club for asking her to speak on behalf of the city and she acknowledged the assistance of Vic Health sponsorship to enable the club to erect shade covering over the driving area.
Swinging good time: The driving range is named after Vaughan Cowan who dedicated almost 50 years to golf in the region.
On behalf of Golf Australia, Zito mentioned how fantastic the facilities looked and mentioned that the venue would “certainly entice people to come and try golf”.
Cowan’s family member Roger was asked to say a few words on behalf of Vaughan and Marion.
Roger thanked all those that made this project a possible, Mayor Bernie Hearn, councillors, club president Richard, Captain Andrew and all the board members, Tristian Zito and all the volunteers that gave up their time.
He retold how Cowan would give up every Sunday from 9am until 12pm from 1974 to 2021 to help mentor and coach keen golfers.
Cowan’s dedication to golf saw him awarded the Benalla Citizen of the Year on Australia Day in 2016 and in 2017 he was named Volunteer of the Year by the Victorian Golf Association.
The ceremony concluded with Cowan, Marion and the club president unveiling the sign to officially open the driving range.
Meanwhile, the ‘Cancer Crushers’ recently participated in the 72-hole Cancer Challenge.
On behalf of the ‘Cancer Crushers’ I would like to give a huge thanks to everyone who purchased raffle tickets, donated and came out to the golf club on Sunday to support us as we completed our 72-hole golf marathon.
With the food truck, live music and perfect weather, it certainly was a fantastic afternoon.
Thanks to your generosity, we managed to raise over $3000 yesterday alone. Taking our overall total to over $12,000 for this year and over $40,000 in the four years we have taken on ‘The Longest Day’ cancer fundraiser challenge.
Raffle winners will be posted and contacted today. - Ben van den Akker