Pics from the Past | The Mooroopna-Shepparton High Road and Low Road

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Elevated: Mooroopna-Shepparton High Road. Source: Lost Shepparton.

Back in the early years of Mooroopna and Shepparton the road between the towns was but a track. As both towns grew and with the introduction of motor vehicles, the need for an all-weather road became hugely important. In 1887 a huge flood exacerbated the problem. “As will be seen by our telegrams today, heavy floods are reported to have taken place in the Goulburn Valley, the river rising to within a few feet of its height during the great flood of 1870. Many of the inhabitants have had to take refuge in the trees, the whole country between Mooroopna and Shepparton has been entirely submerged and all traffic stopped.” (Albany Mail August 6, 1887)

Heavy going: Mooroopna-Shepparton Low Road circa 1910s. Source: Shepparton Heritage Centre.

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