Strategies for staff retention were highlighted at this year’s Dairy Australia Murray Muster held at the Woolshed in Kialla on Wednesday, May 31.
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Key speakers from within the dairy industry spoke on a range of strategies undertaken by companies to ensure employment opportunities delivered for both workers and employers.
The annual event brings together dairy farmers, processors and service providers from northern Victoria and southern NSW to showcase ideas and innovation in the industry.
Regional extension officer Shane Byrne told the audience of about 200 that survey evidence strongly suggested that attracting and retaining of staff was a continual problem in the industry and urged employers to consider re-framing the ways of looking at a problem.
“The bottom line is that employment is very competitive at the moment and so in order for dairy farmers to attract and retain staff, they have got to do something different to meet the needs of the employees,” Mr Byrne said.
“Staff tend to be wanting meaningful work, flexibility and career path training,” he said.
“Our dairy farmers do not really score highly in those areas.”
Dairy Australia regional engagement coordinator Phoebe Dillon has been able to undertake study for her Certificate IV in Agriculture whilst working full-time and said the advantages of doing both included her being able to understand farmer’s needs.
“I am talking to dairy farmers all the time in my job, so I use my study heavily in that regard,” Ms Dillon said.
“A lot of young people who are passionate about the industry really want to do a good job and also want to learn.
“I’m studying a good program and there are a lot of people in this area who are keen to have a crack.”
Coomboona Dairy featured as a showcase item with regards to how the company has successfully employed and retained migrant workers.
Uniting Victoria business development worker Samantha Biles said hiring multicultural staff would bring benefits to a business when managed thoughtfully.
“Simple ideas can overcome some basic barriers,” Ms Biles said.
“You can overcome language barriers, for example, by arranging shifts where a family member who can translate is working alongside those who struggle with understanding.”
The work of Ms Biles was crucial in establishing employment for the Byigero family.
Jean Byigero and his son Alex spoke as part of a panel about how Coomboona Dairy had employed their family of four.
The Byigero family fled the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2008 and their journey to Australia involved eight years in a Namibian refugee camp.
Alex said he had only been able to find two days of work in another job before being hired to join his family.
“One of the challenges as a refugee was that it wasn’t easy to find a job,” Alex said.
“Samantha really helped me; she is the number one person who does everything for us.
“And the dairy’s management made me feel comfortable.
“They put me on a shift with my parents.
“I enjoy looking after the cows and everyone likes milk.”
In addition to playing the key role of translator for his parents, Alex is given challenging tasks.
“They put me working on things that I couldn’t do but I always get support.”
Through an interpreter, Jean spoke highly of his son.
“Anything he can do, he will do it,” Jean said.
He also said the support from Uniting Victoria and from Ms Biles was crucial to his family’s success.
“Any problem we have, we go to Uniting; they are our provider,” he said.
Coomboona Dairy HR manager Rose Philipzen said the rapport among the company’s staff had been inspired by the Byigero family’s story.
“We can’t help but be humbled by what these guys have been through and now what they are doing in Australia,” Ms Philipzen said.
Ms Philipzen said the well-being of people was just as important to the company as the well-being of their cows and the company embraced people to enhance the workplace culture.
“We recognise what staff value the most and we enjoy celebrating success and milestones being reached,” she said.
“Our plan is to provide opportunities for staff to develop skills across all aspects of our business and to provide reliable and long-term opportunities.”
Ms Philipzen said the result was that staff were willing to continue working for the company.
Jean’s family agrees with that sentiment, given the challenging journey they have made.
“It was very difficult to wait for Centrelink, so I am really happy that I found the job first,” he said.
“I was very proud to get that job.”
Country News journalist