The prestigious Rutherglen Wine Show and Australian Fortified Show, now in its 135th year, once again brought together wine enthusiasts and experts from across Australia to celebrate the finest wines the nation has to offer.
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The renowned event showcased the exceptional talent and craftsmanship of winemakers, firmly establishing its place as one of Australia’s most revered wine competitions
There were nearly 1000 entries between the two shows with the fortified wine show featuring approximately 130 entries.
Wine Show Chairman Chris Pfeiffer OAM said entries had come from all over Australia.
“Again, we have a good number of entries,” he said.
“This year will also be the first time since the pandemic that we’ve been able to proceed with the full program, after last year’s presentation dinner was cancelled due to the National Day of Mourning following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.”
This year, a team of ten dedicated judges, including six associate judges, lent their knowledge and experience to the challenging task of evaluating the entries over the last week.
In his third year as Chair of Judges, Andrew Santarossa of Gapsted Wines praised the exceptional quality of wines submitted for evaluation in this year’s shows.
“I’ve been really impressed with the wines we are starting to see come through the show system from 2021 and 2022, as well as little bit out from 2023,” he said.
“2021 and 2022 were very good years and we’re seeing the strength of the vintage. As an industry we are improving.
“That’s the ethos of the wine show system…to benchmark. Part of that benchmarking is to continually improve what the industry is doing.
“I think why the show system is a really important part of the industry is that ability to benchmark yourself in a class, as an exhibitor to come along and taste other wines and now, just as importantly, you can use it for your marketing and sales.”
The Rutherglen Wine Show, known for its rigorous blind tasting process, ensures that the judges evaluate wines solely on their merits, without knowledge of the producer or label.
“Regardless of whether it’s a table wine or a fortified wine, as judges we are looking for balance,” Mr Santarossa said.
“Regardless of the style, our primary goal as judges is to seek balance. Balance encompasses various factors, including colour, freshness, varietal character, complexity in aromas, and palate harmony. If all these components align, the wine not only shows well but also ages beautifully.”
Mr Santarossa said another highlight of the show is the mentoring program it offers those studying wine.
“We have students come from Adelaide University and Charles Sturt University and they are exposed to the wine show system, sometimes for the first time,” he said.
“They learn to understand what is happening out the back with the stewarding role, but they also get the opportunity to sit it on the classes and listen to what the judges are saying. At the end of the three days, we can give them feedback on different areas.
“We also had a masterclass on Topaques for not just the students but also winemakers, judges and stewards.
“The Fortified wines coming out of the north east, and in particularly Rutherglen, are such a gem that we want to make sure people understand them and that it’s not lost on the next generation coming through.
“Being here is a wonderful and I feel very honoured to be the chair and take my role very seriously.”
With tickets still available, this year’s Presentation Dinner, scheduled for Thursday, September 28, will be a special event hosted at the Tuileries Function Room at De Bortoli Wines. Attendees can anticipate an intimate atmosphere while enjoying gourmet cuisine and world-class wines as the trophy winners of the 2023 Wine Show are announced.
For those eager to savour the winning wines and indulge in gourmet canapés, the Rutherglen Wine Show Public Tasting presents the perfect opportunity. This tasting event, held at the Henderson Pavilion on Friday, September 29, at 6:30pm, welcomes the public to sample hundreds of entries from wineries across Australia.
For more information or to book tickets for either event visit