Jasper Dellwo (left) and Angus Johnson at the Barker’s rice farm.
(Back, from left) Steven Busby, Oliver Dellwo, Rylan Aughtie, Kade Golds, Angus Johnson, Jasper Dellwo, Phoenix Whitehead, Chloe Reid, Joeseph Smith, William Reid, Logan Luke and Max Worker; (front) Arlo Whyborn, Natayah James, Heidi Golds, Harriet Norman, Gracie Miller, Kevin Gittens, Robert Busby, Bailey Busby, Franklin Norman, Diamond Clancy, Hapuku Clancy and Charlie Sampson.
Students of Mayrung Public school are learning all about rice.
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Thanks to the support of locals, Edward River Council and SunRice, the students were treated to an excursion to a local farm to see rice farming in practice.
The council funded bus took the students to the property owned and managed by Graeme and Justin Barker, who also gifted the school a book all about rice fields in Riverina.
Also speaking to the students were Rice Extension Murray Valley extension officer Troy Muager and Ricegrowers Association of Australia landcare coordinator Janet Manzin.
Throughout the day the students were shown how rice is grown, how it is harvested from a paddock and what different types of rice look like at different stages.
Thanks to SunRice sponsoring the excursion, the kids were treated to sushi and various different SunRice products.
After this fantastic experience, the students of Mayrung Public school are very excited for their next excursion when they will study how cotton is harvested.