Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt will outline his vision for the Murray-Darling Basin during a Rural Press Club of Victoria webinar on Thursday, May 21.
Born and raised in Bundaberg in Queensland, Mr Pitt is a former apprentice electrician, electrical engineer and sugarcane grower, and has served as the Liberal National Party Member for Hinkler since 2013.
A former Assistant Minister for Trade, Investment and Tourism, Mr Pitt was elevated to cabinet in February this year as the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia.
The Rural Press Club of Victoria plans to conduct a series of webinars in the coming months, as COVID-19 has restricted its ability to host lunches and networking opportunities.The webinars are free of charge to all participants, but registration is essential.
The Future of the Murray-Darling Basin webinar will be held on Thursday, May 21 from 2 pm.
To register, visit: ruralpressclub.com
For more information, contact James Wagstaff via email at: admin@ruralpressclub.com or phone 0419 624 945.