More than 27,000 people flocked to the Australian Sheep and Wool Show this year.
Photo by
Peter Weaving
Wild weather could not keep away the 27,000 visitors to this year’s Australian Sheep and Wool Show at the Bendigo Showgrounds on July 19 to 21.
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The show’s CEO Margot Falconer said the “freezing cold” Friday had been a challenge and was followed by a short burst of gale force winds on the following morning, damaging many of the exhibitor marquees.
“But by 10 o’clock, you wouldn’t have known it,” Ms Falconer said.
“And everyone left the show so happy — the weather was freezing but the atmosphere was warm.”
The new addition of Valais Blacknose sheep proved a popular attraction, although Ms Falconer said the feature breed Dounie Merino was ‘massive’.
The fashion show also proved popular.
The wool fashion show was again popular this year.
Photo by
Peter Weaving
Finley High School again attended the annual event and agriculture teacher Robyn O’Leary said the school could take great pride in several second places in the open classes as well as winning the Champion Novice Ewe and Champion School Ewe.
Teacher Gary Webb said the school continued to do very well competing with professional studs.
“We are certainly punching well above our weight,” Mr Webb said.
“As much as we enjoy showing against other schools and other novices, there is nothing better than competing in the open classes and doing so well.”
Ava Schlink with Finley High School's winner of both Champion Novice Ewe and Champion School Ewe.
The team managed two second places and a third in the ewes’ classes and three fifth places in the rams.
One of the school’s second places lost to the eventual Champion Short Wool Ewe of the show.
“Considering the competition, and just staying in the ring at times, it was outstanding,” Mr Webb said.
Erica Hammond was commended for her ability to judge animals by winning second place in the Victorian Agricultural Show’s State Final Meat Sheep Junior Judging class.
Finley High School is now preparing for the Finley Show on Sunday, September 1 as its warm-up before entering 18 meat steers and 12 breeding cattle and calves in the Melbourne Royal Show.
Mr Webb said the opening storm did not impact the team, with their accommodation in the shed holding up against the wind.
“We were safe and sound, as warm as pie.”
Finley High School’s Erica Hammond won second place as a sheep judge in the State Final Meat Sheep Junior Judging class