Senior irrigation extension officer Rob O’Connor said the webinar would assist irrigators better prepare for the future.
Topics that will be covered in the webinar include short-term and long-term drivers of the water market and their impact on water allocation price; the impact of water market drivers on water prices in wet, average and dry seasons; pros, cons, economics and tips for using different water products; costing water ownership versus purchasing allocation; and smart water allocation purchasing strategies.
The irrigation webinars are currently being held monthly, with the initial focus on water trading.
Future webinars will cover topics including learnings from leading producers about farm water management, future impacts of climate change on irrigation water availability, and getting the most out of carryover water.
The webinar will run on Thursday, February 25 from 1 pm to 2 pm.To register, go to:
After registering, be careful to save a confirmation email containing important information about joining the webinar.
For any technical issues, call John Paulet on 0429 158 500.
For more information about the webinar series, call Rob O’Connor on 0408 515 652.