Cobram - Barooga Apexians Luke Miller, Nabeel Ahmed and Brendan Ley with Tim Glenton (Ballarat-Eureka Apex Club, far left).
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
Starting light: green. Engines? Go.
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Petrol fumes and the roar of motorbike engines held court for one heady morning at the Scott Reserve on Sunday, March 9 as the 12th annual Cobram Mower Races kicked into gear.
The sun was out over the district as at least 40 competitors threw their hat in the ring, including several from Cobram - Barooga, to stake their claim as the quickest on the track.
Other competitors hailed from Gippsland, Heathcote, Kyneton and even South Australia.
Spectators were treated to a choice of food and drinks with ice-cream, hotdogs and freshly brewed coffee just some of the goods on offer.
In the racing action, there were heats for each of the juniors, D, C, B and A classes, followed by a final showdown for each class.
Topping the day off was an all-features race, in which the top three place-getters from each of the three classes raced together with handicaps.
Australian Ride On Lawn Mower Racing Association president Di Millsteed was ecstatic about how successful the event went.
Competitors fought neck-and-neck for the lead spot.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
“It’s been absolutely fantastic, super organised, we’ve got lots of great helpers in the Cobram Barooga Apex Club, the Cobram CFA, and the locals,” she said on the day.
“The crowd’s already rolling in, and we’re set to have an amazing day.”
Competition was tight in the junior race.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
Cobram - Barooga Apex Club President Matt Triffitt echoed Ms Millsteed’s excitement.
“We’ve got off to a pretty good start, maybe a slow start, but by all means we’ll definitely get there, and it should be a good day for everyone,” he said.
“It draws a bit of a crowd of course because people want to see souped-up lawn-mowers.”