Deniliquin’s Henry Osborne may live in town now, but his dog Scar still works whenever he gets the chance. Scar may be missing a leg but it doesn’t seem to bother him — he works as well as any four-legged dog would. The loyal companion has a favourite spot in the ute and loves a feed, scoffing down anything he is given in record time.
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How did he get his name?
When he was a pup, he had a scar on top of his eye so the bloke we got him off called him Scar.
What happened to Scar’s leg?
The man we got him from loaned him to another worker to do some work and one day a gate swung around and Scar broke his leg quite severely.
What is Scar’s personality like?
He’s really friendly. He loves a cuddle and loves a pat. He’s very loyal. He’s always a dominant dog around other dogs.
What is his working ability like?
He’ll work all day. He’s a very stylish worker. He’s a bit of an all-rounder — more so a yard dog now after he lost his leg. He wouldn’t want to do large paddocks because he’s not as fast as he used to be.
Does he have any quirks?
The funniest one is my sister has a black and white fluffy cat and he’ll sort of work the cat at times. He’ll just sit there and watch it — he won’t annoy it.
Where does he sleep?
He’s got a kennel — we’ve got a good-sized backyard. We have an arrangement with a family friend out of town and he (Scar) lives out there most of the time. He’ll work for anyone. It’s better to get him as much as work as he can so he lives out there most of the time.
What does he have to eat?
He’s literally like a vacuum — always hungry and first to finish anything by a mile. I give him working dog nuts, lamb, sheep and chicken here or there and I give him a bone now and then and try and change it up with good tinned food.
Does he like to travel?
He travels fine in any situation. He loves to sit in the ute. His preferred spot is on the floor on the passenger side.