A waste charge of $303 a year will be levied on Murrumbidgee Council residents as they move to a new three bin system from July 1.
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General manager John Scarce said the new charge is only a $26 increase on this financial year for Coleambally and Darlington Point ratepayers.
As the Jerilderie township has not previously had recycling and will be adopting two new streams, there will be an increase of $126 per annum compared to this financial year.
The three kerbside bin system will see every urban property with kerbside collection using separate bins for general waste, recycling and food organics and garden organics (FOGO).
Residents or businesses with high levels of any stream of waste can access additional 240 litre bins. The yearly cost per extra bin will be $72 for organics, $108 for recycling and $200 for general waste.
Anyone requiring additional bins should contact council on 1300 676 243.