Coco the King Charles Cavalier is a trailblazer. She paved the way on her Tongala dairy farm, breaking the ‘no dogs’ rule and getting Ryan and Kristy Grant ready for parenthood. One year after Coco’s arrival, Charlotte was born and learned to follow in Coco’s wise pawsteps. Later came the twins — double trouble — but Coco was up for the challenge.
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Were there dogs before Coco?
Ryan: We never had dogs on the farm before. Coco was more of a companion dog. I’m not into dogs at all, but I couldn’t keep leaving her at home alone so I started bringing her with me. Now she keeps me company when the kids are at school. She rides on the tractor or on the four-wheeler. She’ll sit in the tractor right next to me.
How did you get Coco?
Kristy: My mum breeds them, so I brought the runt of the litter home one day without telling Ryan. She has always been really small, but she’s farm-dog fit and still gets around.
What does Coco do?
She keeps the office chair warm.
What does she love?
She loves to chase rabbits, but she’s never gotten anywhere near one.
What’s with the coat?
It helps her stay clean when she goes running around. We keep her fur trimmed short, also to keep her clean, and so in winter the coat gives her a little warmth.
How old is she?
Nine years old. She’s one year older than Charlotte.
Charlotte: She was born before me. And her mother was called Barbie.