Glorious sunshine warmed the crowds at the 126th Nathalia Show on October 1.
The sun shone on the enthusiastic crowd at the 126th Nathalia Show on Saturday, October 1, which was held in person for the first time in two years.
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“We were so lucky (with the weather),” show publicity officer Ellen Morcombe said.
“The grounds were perfect for the horse events.”
As well as plenty of horse events — including the Supreme Champion Gus and Lil Grinter Award, going to Wynara Signature, the horse ridden by this year’s Melbourne Royal Show Garryowen winner Ebonie Lee — there were train rides, plenty of kids’ entertainment, dairy cows, baby animals, sheep, cooking and produce on show.
The spectacular LEGO display including a moving Ferris wheel and a train, and demonstrations by the Harry Ferguson Tractor Club, were also crowd favourites.
First place in the pleasure pony under 12 hands event went to Bobby ridden by Kayla Anderson, 11, from Nathalia.
The Nathalian of the Year Cameron Lancaster opened the show, and committee member Kathleen Botteril was recognised with a life membership to the Nathalia Agricultural Society after nearly 20 years as secretary.
Ms Morecombe thanked sponsors and everyone who helped out, exhibited and came along to the event, saying they were pleased with the turnout.
For results and more pictures, visit the show’s Facebook page.