Deluge: Shepparton youngster Kobe Minion, 6, splashes about in his flooded street on Tuesday morning.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Shepparton received a soaking during the day and night on Monday, with the wettest day in two years recorded.
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A total of 40.8mm of rain fell in Shepparton in the 24 hours to 9am Tuesday.
It was the highest daily rainfall figure in Shepparton since April 2020, when 48.6mm fell in one day.
The rain started about 8.30am Monday and continued fairly steadily.
On Tuesday, showers continued, but only a small amount of rain fell.
At 3pm, 3.4mm had been recorded in the Bureau of Meteorology rain gauge at Shepparton airport.
Bureau duty forecaster Miriam Bradbury said the falls came from a rain band attached to a cold front that crossed Victoria.
Bath time: Kobe Minion, 6, splashes in a flooded Shepparton street on Tuesday morning.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Moisture was dragged down from more northern parts of Australia, creating the rain northern Victoria experienced on Monday and Tuesday, Ms Bradbury said.
Tuesday was forecast to see the last of the rain for Shepparton, with drier conditions now expected.
During the next six days, the weather should be dry and partly cloudy, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
Temperatures are forecast to vary from 20°C on Wednesday and Thursday to 25°C on Anzac Day (Monday, April 25).
Night-time temperatures will be chilly, with temperatures ranging from 7°C on Wednesday and Friday to 11°C on Saturday.