The Pacific Belles entertained crowds on Sunday. Credit: Scott Johncock.
Photo by
scott johncock
Organisers of the 2025 Murray Rod Run may have harboured a few nerves going into this year’s event - but not for the reasons you might suspect.
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From Friday, March 7, to Sunday, March 9, the streets of Tocumwal and district were home to hundreds of vintage vehicles from across the region.
And, after at least 290 cars and 570 drivers and their passengers took part in the biennial event, the Murray Rod Run recorded the biggest ever turnout in its history.
Mild2Wild Rod and Custom Car Club committee treasurer Jenna Ross said entries were up by at least 60 from the last event in 2023.
“It’s definitely been the biggest one that we’ve ever had,” she said.
The ever-popular street cruise saw more than 2000 people flock to Tocumwal’s Deniliquin St on Saturday, March 8.
The Show 'n Shine at the Tocumwal Football Netball Club drew crowds. Credit: Scott Johncock.
Photo by
Scott Johncock
Mrs Ross said the whole community stepped up and embraced the attraction.
“That was the highlight for everyone,” she said.
“I walked around the corner and couldn’t believe how many people were there.”
The only dampener across the weekend didn’t arrive until the eleventh hour. Around 8.30pm on Sunday night, organisers were forced to call time after rain began pouring.
“But even the inclement weather couldn’t dampen the crowd’s spirits as the Pacific Belles and Rockin’ Rick Charles jammed on,” Mrs Ross said.
“There were still plenty who were dancing right up until we pulled the pin.”
Mrs Ross said the popular event will return in 2027 with few changes from this year.
“We are going to get straight into planning,” she said.
“The committee would like to thank all the sponsors for their support of this year’s event.”
Meanwhile, there’ll be no rest for the wicked as the committee gears up for the Tocumwal Swap Meet and Show ‘n Shine in July.