The NSW Government has awarded a contract to build critical water infrastructure to optimise environmental flows in the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest.
The $3.3 million upgrade involves building 5.9km of levee at Shear Paddock, just west of Moama, enabling higher volumes of environmental water to be delivered while minimising impacts to private landholders nearby.
This upgrade is part of the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Project, which is receiving $42.7 million from the Federal Government.
The improved environmental flows into the forest will enhance habitat and create breeding opportunities for native species, including diverse plants, fish, reptiles, birds, marsupials and the endangered southern bell frog.
Northern Constructions Group will begin work in the coming months to build an earthen levee bank and access track immediately adjacent to the forest.
This will allow higher volumes of water to be delivered from the Murray River, enabling connection of the Barbers and Thule creeks without inundating adjacent landholdings.
The project is also expected to enhance tourism and recreational opportunities in the 33,750 hectare wetland and forest.
The Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Project is one of NSW’s five accelerated Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism (SDLAM) projects for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.