The progress of Australia’s dairy industry in meeting its 2030 farming and manufacturing sustainability goals and targets is detailed in the latest Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Report.Published on Thursday by the Australian Dairy Industry Council, together with Dairy Australia, the report reveals the status of a broad range of goals and targets aligned to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
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It includes new targets on human rights, climate change, food waste and antimicrobial stewardship.Manufacturers have agreed to a new commitment for 100 per cent of dairy packaging waste to be recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2025, in line with Australian Government commitments.
Progress will be monitored against data provided by all dairy companies to the Dairy Manufacturers Sustainability Council and Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation.This year’s report also incorporates a new industry-wide commitment for a 30 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases in the next decade, with consideration to accelerate this commitment to carbon neutrality.Speaking at the Australian Dairy Conference in Melbourne, dairy farmer and chair of the Dairy Sustainability Steering Committee and Consultative Forum, Chris Griffin, said the report showed progress, along with areas for improvement.
“Our sustainability framework presents a shared vision for continuous improvement, building confidence in the community that the Australian dairy industry is committed to being sustainable, while providing nutritious food for a healthier world,” Mr Griffin said.“In practice this means farmers investing more in renewable energy, working to reduce emissions and increasing water-use efficiency.
“It means dairy manufacturers ensuring that 100 per cent of their packaging can be recycled or composted, that more waste is diverted from landfill, and the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption is reduced.”
To download the report, or for further information, visit: