It will be partially guided by health data presented to the Deniliquin Local Health Advisory Committee at its monthly meeting last week.
Deni LHAC chair Lynda Barclay said the report from Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network community engagement coordinator Tom Parker formed part of the biennial ‘priority and planning day’.
It was held with executive staff from MPHN and Murrumbidgee Local Health District.
The report compared Edward River Council’s health data with that of the wider MHPN region and to NSW as a whole.
“This informed the committee of the prevalence of chronic health conditions, specific cancer statistics and mortality data in the Deniliquin area,” Mrs Barclay said.
“It also highlighted that we have a higher percentage of our population who have risk factors for cancer and heart disease, for example, low levels of physical activity, smoking, and obesity.
“In addition we have high rates of presentation to the hospital for mental health concerns, respiratory issues and diabetes.”
Edward River’s health needs assessment summary shows that local rates of chronic conditions like mental health, arthritis, hypertension and lung conditions are all over state average.
Rates of mental health and hypertension are also over the MHPN average.
The median age of death was recorded as 81.3, which is younger than the MHPN and state average, and the three main causes of death are coronary heart disease, dementia/Alzheimer’s and Cerebrovascular disease.
While Edward River’s melanoma incidences fall below both MPHN and state averages, lung cancer and leukaemia are higher on both counts.
The local rate of cervical screenings are lower on average than in the MHPN and the state.
Following the presentation, MLHD executive services manager - communications Setchen Brimson then led the group through a discussion to generate project ideas to address the health needs of the Deniliquin community.
These ideas were mapped to identify those which would have the most impact on the community, relative to the effort involved.
“This is an important aspect of our planning for the next two years,” Mrs Barclay said.
“We are all volunteers, and all have other commitments, so it is essential that we target projects that can make a real difference to our community.
“We will make a final decision on our activities at our April meeting, but they may include some extensions to our 2024 ‘Lifting Health Outcomes’ project as well as further community engagement.”
The award-winning Lifting Health Outcomes project identified 12 common health conditions based on a local survey.
Pop up banners on each topic were produced, and rotated throughout visible areas of the community. On each is a QR code which will take people to where they can find “actionable ideas people can do that could contribute to better health outcomes”.
Complementing the banner campaign was a series of monthly forums, with each month involving specialist speakers on the selected topic.
Any new businesses who would like to be involved with the Lifting Health Outcomes banner project in 2025 can contact Deniliquin LHAC at
Anyone interested in becoming a member of Deniliquin Local Health Advisory Committee can contact Ms Brimson on 0477359764, or go on to for further information.