Maggie Ellis and Kris Tito are opening a new space for all creatives.
Photo by
Lua Ikenasio
Local art lovers will have a new place to create and appreciate art, with a new art studio space set to open soon.
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Factory 20A, named after the old ball-bearing factory that used to occupy the space, is the creative endeavour of local artists Maggie Ellis and Kris Tito.
The two artists crossed paths in 2023 during their participation in the ‘Borders’ project, where they connected as artists and friends.
Ms Ellis said they searched for a space they could use to experiment as artists.
Maggie Ellis is still bringing her studio together.
Photo by
Lua Ikenasio
“We began to look for a space that could enable a diverse experimental practice and recognised that there was a limited opportunity in Echuca for like-minded artists to come together as a contemporary collective to make work,” she said.
“We connected with Charmaine from Darling Works and shared our vision for a contemporary creative space and this was exactly what they were looking for, so we jumped and here we are.”
As locals who have grown up on the Mil-Dhungala River (Murray River), their collective creative practice has been informed by the river environments, its ecologies and the communities who live along them.
The two artists have experience in a range of different arts, including ceramic work and drawing, and have backgrounds in movement.
They share an interest in ephemeral-based artwork, mark-making (the use of dots, lines, shapes and patterns to create art) and using movement to express their connection to places.
The pair will combine their talents to create collective works as well as use the space as their personal studios.
Kris Tito has already begun to create in her new space.
Photo by
Lua Ikenasio
Ms Tito said they hoped the studio became a place of connection for people.
“As artists we want Factory 20A to be a contemporary arts space that connects people and place,” she said.
“We want it to enable opportunities for ourselves and all people and or artists to come together in a collective of practice to respond to this unique area. It’s an opportunity to explore your authentic self in a safe and non-judgemental space.
“If you’re open to creativity, willing to play, willing to fail and not worry about how your work looks, but rather how you feel connected to it and others, then Factory 20A is for you.”
Maggie Ellis and Kris Tito are passionate about creating spaces where everyone can be comfortable to express themselves.
Photo by
Lua Ikenasio
The artists have many plans for the future of their new workshop but are first looking to settle into their individual studios and create new work.
Once settled, they hope to research the history of the space and current community and develop a response through a performance and exhibition sharing.
An opening event to connect to the Darling Works and Darling St communities could also be a possibility in the near future.
Later down the road, they hope to facilitate their first creative movement and drawing workshop in March.