Mrs Trevaskis said more than 23,000 people attended the show, with Saturday having the expected larger crowd of 15,000.
“Definitely it was a huge increase on last year,” Mrs Trevaskis said.
“Friday is traditionally a quieter day and so better for families where little ones can be let off the leash a bit and not get lost in the crowd.”
Mrs Trevaskis said there was little concern for the weather.
“Mother Nature knew to comply with the rules and the sun came out on Saturday.”
The crowd dynamics followed from previous years, with families tending to come in the afternoons and teenagers attending more toward the evening, filling the rides in sideshow alley.
Students from Greater Shepparton Secondary College had success in the Arts and Crafts Pavilion, with a range of cooked items on display.
“I walked around with the kids in the afternoon and some of them had tears in their eyes at seeing their cooking on display,” Mrs Trevaskis said.
“To see their pride in something as simple as a slice was great.”
Planning for the 2024 show begins next month.
“It is not a two-day event,” Mrs Trevaskis said.
“It is planned the whole year and exhibitors are working all year round as well.”