Aiming high: Willow Johnson, Wyatt Johnson and operations manager Zane Foott.
Photo by
Amy DePaola
Students from Mooroopna North Primary School recently embarked on an excursion to Foott Waste Solutions, to learn about a range of career paths offered in our region.
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Students were thrilled to hear that they, along with their teachers, were going to stand on a weighbridge. They were equally excited about the cardboard conveyor belt, the compactor and the assortment of specialised vehicles.
Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project projects, education and engagement co-ordinator Belinda Senini facilitated the event.
Having fun: Zach Stosic.
Photo by
Amy DePaola
Mrs Senini works with primary schools in Greater Shepparton and aims to introduce young students to the region’s broad range of career paths.
“Visits to local businesses help to lift career aspirations by giving students insight to the variety of work in our region, and they provide an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the world beyond the classroom,” Mrs Senini said.
Perfect for play: Xander Knight shows off his Foott Waste mini truck.
Photo by
Amy DePaola
“It was great to see the students asking so many questions. They were obviously very engaged and curious about the waste management process.”
Lighthouse Project executive officer Amy Robinson confirmed the positive impact organisations such as Foott Waste have had on our local community, connecting students to aspirational opportunities that prepare them for the world of work.
Wow: Wyatt Johnson.
Photo by
Amy DePaola
“Foott Waste are such a strong supporter and advocate for Lighthouse and our cause, to improve outcomes for young people in the community,” Ms Robinson said.
“Over the past five years the local family business has generously supported Lighthouse and they were there again with support for our GV Cares initiative during the floods crisis.”