Members of Jerilderie Apex last week delivered a collection of gardening and lawn maintenance tools to the early childhood education centre.
JELC president Lucy Gregory said the donation is greatly appreciated.
“Apex have kindly donated gardening equipment to assist our centre in landscaping maintenance,” she said.
“The donations include a self-propelled mower, blower, whipper snipper and safety equipment.
“Apex’s generosity and support of community run organisations has been incredible.”
Jerildeire Apex has a long history of supporting local community organisations.
Its donations and community activities are supported by two major events hosted by Apex - the Jerilderie Working Dog Auction in summer and the B ‘n’ S (Bachelors and Spinsters) Ball, which is coming up on July 29.
Jerilderie Apex Club secretary Andrew Gillett said the club supports projects that will directly impact the community and the individuals within it.
Jerilderie Apex Club is a community based, volunteer organisation for those aged 18 to 45.
All money it generates goes back into the community, providing extensive knock-on benefits for all.
Mr Gillett said Jerilderie Apex is always looking for more members, and for people to attend their fundraising events, which serve to help fund their wonderful donations.
‘‘If anyone wants to join a community group like Apex, we’d welcome the help,“ he said.
Jerilderie Apex Club can be contacted via email, on