Nice day for it: The students enjoy the sunshine while they work.
Community spirit came to the fore last week when St Mary’s College Year 6 students lent a helping hand to a Seymour resident in need.
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Teacher Jennine Brock spotted a Facebook post from Kyria Crombie, 76, whose garden was all but washed away in the October floods.
Mrs Brock’s students had recently received a grant from Bunnings for gardening tools and had been helping at Pioneer Park at the end of Mrs Crombie’s street.
Looking to promote the students’ engagement with the community, Mrs Brock saw the opportunity for them to help, and that they did last Thursday, December 1.
Mrs Brock said the group of 30 students “worked like Trojans”.
“They had their heads down for two hours, they were incredible,” she said.
They spent the afternoon raking leaves, cleaning and replanting the garden.
Mrs Brock said the day was warmly embraced by the students and the school was looking forward to reinstating more community-based activities that had been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mrs Crombie was grateful for the help and had a chocolate for each student at the end of the day.
Squeeky clean: Tyler Jones and Ava Jarvis wash garden ornaments and furniture, cleaning off any residue from the floodwater.
Working hard: Jack D'Elia clears leaves.
Happy to help: Aiden Hayes and Jed Puppa make use of gardening equipment the school received with a grant from Bunnings.
Teamwork: Sienna Lynch, Mackenzie Pearce, Ella Jarvis and Matilda Barry.
All smiles: Sienna Lynch enjoys the chance to give back.