Scarlett Scambler, 9, Marley Davey, 8, Joey Davey, 5, and Elise Owen, 8, proudly show off their Bogong moths at Echuca library on Monday, January 13. Photos: Emily Donohoe
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Echuca library has played host to an array of fun activities these school holidays, including the National Gallery of Victoria Kids on Tour program.
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On Monday, January 13, the crayons were put to good use for a Bogong moth craft creation.
Echuca library hosted the NGV Kids on Tour program on Monday, January 13 and Tuesday, January 14.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Based on a painting by Wadawurrung artist Dr Deanne Gilson, the activity gave the junior artists insight into the First Nations history of the moth, native to southern parts of Australia.
Tuesday, January 14 brought out the inner fashion designer, with the kids creating paper dolls and accompanying outfits.
Mandela Morssinkhof, 7, and Clara Joyce, 7, with their Bogong moths.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
The looks embraced colours and patterns inspired by Collective Closets’ designers and sisters Fatuma and Laurinda Ndenzako and their African roots.
Wednesday, January 15, will see Bunnings Echuca take the reins, hosting a craft activity from 2pm.
Bronwyn Cater, 8, and Emerald Cater, 7, called in to the library during a visit to their grandmother from their home near Romsey.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
A range of other events are on offer for the rest of the school holidays at the library, with bookings made via the Campaspe Library Services website.
This includes more arts and crafts, along with movie afternoons.
Arlo Roberts, 6, Sebastian Roberts, 8, Molly Barton, 7, and Hazel Arnold, 7, enjoyed Monday’s activity.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Elise Owen, 8, Emma Whyte, 8, Joey Davey, 5, and Marley Davey, 8, kept the colours bright for their paper dolls.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Walter Challis, 5, and Max Pentreath, 5, went for a nature-inspired palette.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Amelia Baker, 8, and Emma Whyte, 8, embraced their inner fashion designer.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
A full crayon spectrum was used for the designs of Eve Joyce, 9, Zarah Jhowry, 6, Sadie Prye, 4, and Henry Prye, 7.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Hunter Anderson, 7, Emma Whyte, 8, Libby Beck, 6, and Molly Barton, 7, had some fashion-forward looks.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
The kids work hard on their paper doll creations on Tuesday, January 14.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe