Murray River residents will welcome a change in its kerbside bin collection from August 1.
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The district will migrate to a five day per week kerbside bin collection schedule, after many years of only having their waste, recycling and organics collected on either a Wednesday or Friday.
Murray River Council’s waste team has been working hard alongside JR Richards and Sons to provide improvements and harmonisation across the region in relation to the kerbside bin collection schedule.
‘‘There has been extensive investigation and planning undertaken by both council’s waste team and our new collections contractor, JR Richards and Sons, to plan for and implement the changes to our kerbside bin collections with the aim of creating balance and efficiencies with our waste services across our local government area,’’ Mayor Chris Bilkey said.
‘‘We are aiming to give everyone the greatest amount of notice possible in relation to the new bin collection days.
‘‘Once the new routes are confirmed, all residential and commercial customers who have a waste service (general waste, recycling or organics bin) will receive notification of their new bin day. Some towns may remain the same and others will change.’’
Council’s waste team will be facilitating a letterbox drop to all residential and commercial customers in the coming weeks. The letter will contain information on new waste, recycling and organic (where applicable) collections schedule along with a magnet outlining some handy hints to ensure your bin is emptied on each collection day.