“On average, grey-headed flying foxes fly about 10km from their roost site nightly to find food, but they have been recorded travelling much further,” DEECA senior wildlife officer Leila Brook said.
“Eating fruit and nectar, they play an important part in ecosystems, pollinating native trees and dispersing seeds,” she said.
In early summer flying-foxes have young pups. This species are slow breeders, producing one young a year.
“Mothers and pups may be particularly vulnerable to disturbance, periods of high heat and lack of food,” Ms Brook said.
“When females are stressed or malnourished they may not be able to care for their young who may drop to the ground.”
Only trained, vaccinated wildlife rescuers should handle flying foxes.
If someone is scratched, bitten or exposed to bat saliva, seek urgent medical attention. Contact the Department of Health for further advice on 1300 651 160.
If your pet has interacted with a flying fox, contact your local vet.
If you see flying foxes, remember:
- Keep your distance and let them rest, even if they are on the ground or low on a tree.
- Avoid disturbing flying-foxes. Sudden noise such as clapping or beeping horns can startle them.
- Don’t handle them. If you find a flying fox on the ground, call a local vaccinated wildlife rescuer to assist. While flying foxes may carry rare disease, risk is avoided by not touching bats.
- To find a local rescuer, call 136 186, use DEECA’s online Help for Injured Wildlife tool at https://www.wildlife.vic.gov.au/injured-native-wildlife/help-for-injured-wildlife or call Wildlife Victoria on 8400 7300.
- Protect backyard fruit trees using compliant wildlife-friendly netting. For more information on wildlife-friendly netting, visit: https://www.wildlife.vic.gov.au/managing-wildlife/wildlife-and-fruit-trees
Grey-headed flying foxes are protected by law in Victoria and it is illegal to harass, injure or disturb them. Offenders face maximum penalties between $3846 and $48,077 or 12 months in jail.
The Conservation Regulator relies on community information to investigate wildlife crime, including disturbance of native bats. Reports can be made to Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000.
For more information about Victorian flying foxes, see: https://www.wildlife.vic.gov.au/our-wildlife/flying-foxes