Students from across the north-east had an opportunity to sit with mentors during Zonta International's IWD girls breakfast on March 6.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Schoolgirls from across the north-east have been inspired and supported to follow their dreams as part of International Women’s Day.
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Zonta International held its annual International Women’s Day girls breakfast in Wangaratta on Thursday, March 6.
Students from Benalla P-12 College and FCJ College attended and were able to pick the brains of women working in a range of industries, as well as hearing from several inspirational speakers.
Zonta Wangaratta’s Nicole McFarlane spoke at the event and began by welcoming the students and mentors to the 19th annual IWD girls breakfast.
“Today we come together to celebrate International Women's Day and Zonta’s Rose Day,“ she said.
“Rose Day is a time to reflect and give tribute to the women who empower us.”
The Zonta International Women's day theme for 2025 is ‘Invest in women, accelerate progress’.
“Why do we celebrate International Women’s Day?” Ms McFarlane said.
“To ignite change, to achieve gender equity, to enhance women's wellbeing and to create thriving economies and a sustainable planet.
“Thank you to all our mentors and to our major sponsor, North East Tracks Local Learning Employment Network.”
Since 1990, Zonta International has given 1128 awards to 956 young women from 61 countries.
At the IWD 2025 Breakfast award number 1129 was announced.
The winner of Zonta International’s Young Women in Leadership Award was Isabelle Cook from Marian College, Myrtleford.
There were several inspiring speakers at the event, including local Primary School Teacher Stacey Lamb.
“As I look out into the crowd, I remember when I was in year 11, and the world's at your feet,” she said.
Zonta International pairs students with mentors who aim to inspire and offer career advice at its annual IWD girls breakfast.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
“After school, I had two gap years. I worked in the fitness industry as a swimming teacher at the YMCA.
“That job was filled with fun and enjoyment, and one I had a great passion for.
“I’d wake up and get to work early because it was a fun place to be.”
She said that role made her realise she needed a career that she would enjoy.
“I wanted a career that didn’t feel like a career,” she said.
“They say find something you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life, and I believe I’ve done that.”
That career is working as a teacher at St Bernard's Primary School in Wangaratta.
Despite deciding against studying to be a teacher after school, following two years away from education she was ready to put in the hard work, to get the career she wanted.
“Fourteen years I've been at St. Bernard's Primary School, and it's too hard to leave,” she said.
“Why is it too hard to leave?
“Because it's a fabulous place to be. I've taught every year level. I've been on the leadership team for quite a while.
“I’ve been principal at times (when the principal has been away). I’ve presented at maths conferences. I’ve completed a Masters Degree in mathematics, and I’ve started part of my Doctorate.
“From someone who didn’t want to go to Uni, I now stand before you as someone with three degrees.”
Ms Lamb also spoke about some of the adventures she’s been on outside of St Bernard’s, including tacking the Kokoda track and teaching in remote areas.
With a room full of young eyes taking in her story, it’s difficult to imagine she hasn’t inspired at least a few.
With the Zonta International IWD girls breakfast going for almost two decades, it has had former student attendees return as mentors.
It seems likely one or two, who were there on Thursday, may well be returning as well one day.