A large plume of smoke could be seen over Cobram East on December 14 after a fire started while a header was stripping barley crop.
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The CFA was notified at 12.19pm of reports of an accidental header fire in stubble at Katamatite East last Tuesday.
A CFA spokesperson said the response was quickly escalated with 19 tankers and support vehicles attending the scene.
Air support was also called in, with two firebombers and one supervisor aircraft attending.
The fire spread across two crops and burnt around 70 hectares.
Crews successfully stopped the fire from jumping the road at Barnes Rd and Cassidy Rd, with the scene declared under control at 1.30pm.
The CFA has reminded farmers to ensure machinery such as headers are routinely maintained and cleaned as hotter and drier weather approaches.
CFA acting assistant chief fire officer Carl Stibilj said as vegetation such as crop stubble dries out, the risk of fire increases.
“We know farmers will be working extremely hard this season to harvest their crops, but it is important that they consistently clean and maintain their machinery,” he said.
He added that farmers are often the CFA’s strongest advocates for managing fire risk, as they are aware of the consequences for their machinery and crops.
The most common causes of similar fires are material collecting on hot engine components such as the manifold, the exhaust or the turbocharger.
Driving vehicles or motorbikes through dry grass on hot days can also start fires due to exhaust systems heating up and igniting grass.
“Hot and dry conditions are a particular concern for CFA; if it’s a high fire risk day, our advice is to postpone any work that was planned to be conducted in the paddock,” Mr Stibilj said.
The CFA also advises farmers to have adequate firefighting resources in paddocks where harvest-related operations are taking place.