If you fancy a home among the gum trees, talk to GV Tree Group nursery manager Deb Lynch. Photos: Rechelle Zammit
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
By gum, does Australia have a day dedicated to eucalypts?
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Yes, and it’s on Sunday, March 23.
Since its inception in 2014, National Eucalypt Day has shone a light on the critical role of these majestic trees and showcased local commitment to biodiversity and sustainability.
That said, there’s no better way to celebrate than visiting a local nursery, and the Goulburn Valley Tree Group comes highly recommended.
Upon entering the gates of 6 Kerferd St, Tatura, dedicated volunteers can be seen tending to various native plants — their passion as vibrant as the flora.
“The diversity is unbelievable, what we can actually grow,” nursery manager Deb Lynch said.
“This year, we have about 25 eucalypts, plus all our other plants as well — wattles, melaleucas, callistemons.
“We don’t buy anything in. We grow everything we sell, and because we grow it here, most of the species adapt really well to the local environment.”
The GV Tree Group has developed from its grassroots beginnings about 40 years ago and continues to pride itself on cultivating native species.
The process starts with seedlings germinating in two hothouses on the property before the hard yards, known as ‘pricking out’, begin.
Can you dig it? GV Tree Group volunteers Noela Mulcahy and Ros Vincitorio can.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Volunteers get their hands dirty in the shed with a collection of leafy living things, including a spindly stand of lemon-scented gums and rows of Sydney red gum, which are potted in trays before being taken to the bay area to be sold.
That is when the magic happens.
Across regional properties and beyond, these microscopic to palm-size leaves will grow, stretching so far upwards that buyers will need to crane their necks to see the flora in full bloom.
“We get a few local people waltz in and want half a dozen plants for their garden,” Ms Lynch said.
“We get people who are doing a big landscaping project come in and say, ‘I’ve just built a new house, and I want to plant all natives’.
“Then, we’ll have farmers come in and buy thousands to put on their property or hobby farm.”
Seedlings sprout in one of the two hothouses located on the property.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Ms Lynch acknowledged the constant challenges, such as changes to the watering system, the timing of planting and the big one: climate change.
While the GV Tree Group keeps tabs on the headlines about increasing and intensifying heat, species at risk and extreme weather events, members focus instead on what they can do.
And they do it with expansive joy.
“We can’t change the world, we can’t change what’s going on and all the awful things that happen, but we can do something in a small way that makes a difference, and that makes you feel good,” Ms Lynch said.
As the nursery prepares for National Eucalypt Day, and Biodiversity Day in a few months, Ms Lynch encourages locals to think about their own biodiversity, consider their gardens or farms and speak to one of their volunteers about their needs.
“We can provide lots of information on how to incorporate native species into your garden, and there’s always a native plant that can fulfil your needs,” she said.
“And if you’d like to volunteer, we’d love to have a few extra hands on deck.
“As we’re all getting older, it’d be good to have some younger blood that can follow through after we’re too old to do this.
“We’re very proud of what we do — it’s hard work, it’s constant, but it’s good, and the friendships are just wonderful.”
The Goulburn Valley Tree Group is located at 6 Kerferd St, Tatura, and operates Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9am to 11.30am.