It provides a great opportunity for locals aged 15 to 24 to attend an Outward Bound Expedition Course, fully sponsored.
This 10-day course is designed to help young people discover, develop and achieve their potential.
The Outward Bound Expedition Course will be run at Tharwa, in the ACT, from April 14 to 23 this year.
To be eligible to apply, you must be aged 15-24 years, attend Coleambally Central School and/or reside in postcodes 2707 or 2706.
Those interested in applying must submit a 1-2 minute video that answers the question ‘Why do you want to attend the Outward Bound Expedition program?’.
The video must be sent to Jane Strachan, at, by Friday, March 7.
A panel from CEF of Coleambally Darlington Point will judge the entries.
The two best entries will complete a formal application to attend the April program, with the $1995 cost being covered by the scholarship and CEF CDP.
You can learn more about the course at
The scholarship is named in honour of Rudy Meyer, who loved the land, working first in shearing sheds and then as a rice farmer in Coleambally.
His experiences in a Japanese concentration camp, and as a migrant to Australia, show his incredible perseverance and survival skills to achieve his dreams.