Team effort: Applied learning students from Cobram Secondary College cleaned up Thompsons Beach on Thursday, March 2.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia
Cobram Secondary College’s applied learning students set out on a mission to clean up Thompsons Beach on Thursday, March 2.
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CSC teacher Steve Brooks and education support officer Sharon McKenzie led the group with Mr Brooks telling the Courier students wanted to play their part in making Cobram cleaner, especially for tourists.
A spokesperson at Moira Shire Council congratulated the CSC students for their dedication and hard work on behalf of the community.
“We thank the students for taking the initiative for caring for one of our most beautiful natural attractions, it’s great to see young people passionate about keeping our natural environment as clean as possible.”
Putting in the effort: (L-R) Seth Walker, Year 10, Connor Bushby, Year 10, Alexia Tyniec, Year 9, worked as a team to help clean Thompsons Beach.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia
This simply has to go: Alyx Mustica, Year 9, doing his bit removing fallen bark from the Thompsons Beach picnic area.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia
Clearing the cans: Connor Bushby, Year 10, picks up littered soft drink cans.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia
Beautifying the area: Some of the rubbish commonly found at Thompsons Beach.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia