Farmer Sam’s last date was with McKenzie – the girl he took home early. The pair went abseiling beside waterfall, leading to this perfect line from Sam: “Mama mia, that’s a bit of a drop!”
The rocks were slippery and mossy – the producers couldn’t have put him in a more dangerous situation if they tried. Sam decided to keep his clear favorite and world’s littlest Italian as his top two.
Farmer Matt sent home the mother’s choice and a blonde. The girl who walked off then walked back on, threatened to walk off again, but it the end it was another blonde who got sent home.
So we’re down to a blonde and a blonde (who’s walked off before). My money is on the blonde.
Farmer Andrew took the girl he’s got the weakest connection with – Racheal – out on a suped-up motorbike ride.
“If this doesn’t kick the spark, I don’t think anything will,” Andrew said. It didn’t kick the spark and she hugged it out and went home.
Later Jess confessed she was falling in love with Andrew, which prompted a reaction which basically went like this: “Aargh… we should... get more wood for this fire”
“Yeah didn’t see that coming, now I just feel like a jerk because I just kissed Ash. S***, F***sake, I’m in a pickle,” Andrew said.
In his last date, Will decided to take the zookeeper to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo.
Later in the episode, Farmer Will went on to redeem himself in the eyes of Longwood by wearing a Fowles Wine vest to a make-or-break discussion with Jessica – aka the dark horse, aka the girl out of his league.
Jessica said Will was growing distant and not talking to her. Will responding by saying: “yeah… I don’t mean it… I probably… I don’t know…”
Later in the episode Jessica (and her suitcase) disappeared while everyone else was out yabbying, self-eliminating herself in a dramatic fashion.
On Farmer Rob’s last date he revealed oysters were one of his favourite foods while his psychologist date said they “always creeped her out as a kid”.
Later, another of his ladies did their best to baptise him in a frigid mountain stream.
“Walking into ice water and frozen rivers daily creates such a strength and knowing of your mind and body,” the chick said.
Robbo on the other hand confessed he’d “always been petrified of cold water”.
She went home.
Best line of the episode goes to Jess who said: “I think that Ash is pretty keno supremo” (translation: very, very keen on her/their man).