Lending a helping hand: Lauren Bryde will take the plunge into the cold waters of Lake Burley Griffin on Thursday morning to raise money for Lifeline.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
Jumping into icy cold water, in the middle of winter, in Canberra is not at the top of most people’s bucket list.
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But for veterinarian and Invergordon local Lauren Bryde, that’s exactly what she’ll be doing in the early morning of Thursday, June 22 — and she won’t be alone.
Dr Bryde will be alongside many other participants willing to get naked and swim in the annual Ian Lindeman Memorial Winter Solstice Nude Charity Swim to raise funds for Lifeline.
“In the past, I thought mental health was a mind-over-matter thing,” Dr Bryde said.
“So, when it actually came to affecting me I was a bit like, I don’t understand what’s happening, I don’t feel right, I can’t do what I know I’m capable of doing, what’s wrong with me?
“It took a long time and a very significant event before I realised, this is actually real.
“We’re always talking about de-stigmatising mental health, and I think this is a nice way about getting there.”