It’s taken six years of work by the authority to increase populations of native fish in the highly-managed system, which stretches between Daylesford and Swan Hill.
According to North Central CMA, Murray cod, golden perch and Murray Darling rainbowfish are all turning up in “big numbers”.
This is the first time the vulnerable Murray Darling rainbowfish, measuring just centimetres long, has been recorded in the lower Loddon by North Central CMA.
In 2017 the tiny species got fish enthusiasts excited after being re-discovered in Gunbower Forest wetlands following three years of environmental watering.
North Central CMA program delivery executive manager Rachel Murphy said the fish numbers were great news and showed water for the environment was working.
“If you’re a fish, you’re loving life in the Loddon system at the moment. And anglers probably are, too,” Ms Murphy said.
In the coming weeks, locals will notice more water flows as water managers work to lower the chances of a blackwater event caused by increasing rain.
Up to 1170 Ml of environmental water will be used.
“During major floods, when very high levels of organic matter enter the river, oxygen can be consumed faster than it’s replenished, and oxygen can drop to dangerously low levels that are harmful to fish,” Ms Murphy said.
“The big danger is in summer, so these flows down the Loddon in October will wash the leaf litter away while the weather is still relatively cool.”
The environmental flows are part of North Central CMA’s Native Fish Recovery Plan.
The plan aims to establish a world-class Murray cod fishery in the lower Loddon and Gunbower region to attract recreational anglers and tourism.
The Murray cod struggles with irrigation flows and needs environmental intervention to flourish.
In spring, high volumes of water delivery to farmers coincides with the cod’s spawning season, and the winter off-season occurs when the fish is at its most active, travelling to mate, nest and spawn.
After recording population decline in Gunbower Creek and barely detectible juvenile numbers in fish surveys, North Central CMA consulted with fish ecologists and got to work in the 2013-14 season recovering the species.
This involved evening-out spring flows to prevent large water fluctuations interrupting spawning and delivering winter connection flows to increase food resources, habitat for young fish and provide shelter from predation.
In 2015, first-year Murray cod were found in Gunbower Creek for the first time in eight years.
In addition to adjusting flows, ‘deep water’ areas have been increased to act as sanctuaries during times of low flow, fishways have been built on weirs, and screens fitted across irrigation channels to prevent fish loss.
All flows delivered down the Loddon system end up in the Murray River.
The Seasonal Watering Plans from the past 10 years can be viewed at and regular water updates are posted on