Top end to 2022: Echuca Moama and District Probus Club held its last function of the year at Rich River Golf Club on Monday.
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Echuca Moama and District Probus Club staged its last function of the year for the club on Monday, December 5.
Although not as well attended as other years and how the committee would have liked, those who came had a really good time.
After the years that people have endured with COVID and floods it was a welcome sight to see “anybody” there really.
Attendees were entertained to start off with by Andriene Birch giving a detailed talk about the combined trip to Geelong in early November, accompanied by plenty of photos.
After the main course, which was delicious, president Ray did half the raffle prizes.
All who attended were given a ticket on entry and the prizes came from gift vouchers that the club had won in a competition.
The rest of the raffles were done after the desserts, which again were delicious.
During the course of the meal there was a background of Christmas music and the complete year of photos rolling through.
Festive: There was a Christmas-like atmosphere to the final Echuca Moama and District Probus Club function of 2022.
Thanks go to Rich River Golf Club for giving the club a great start to all its seasonal festivities.
Thanks also to the committee for all its hard work through such a difficult year.
Meet and greet: Echuca Moama and District Probus Club held its last function of 2022.