
FCJ College collaborates with Migrant Camp Exhibition to collect school-day stories

FCJ Form 1, 1958: Back row, B Nolan, C Ryan, P Hazell, E Lewis, J Headland, K Buchan, K Bem and J Kelly. Middle row, M Rogash, J Keppell, D Rolewska, M Wells, C O'Leary, L Coyle, J Ryan, K Looby and J Griffiths. Front row, J Omelczuk, M James, N Hide, M Crimmins, S Straughair, J Corboy, B Davies, K Hernan, J Devine and E Bigmore. Photo by Contributed

The Benalla Migrant Camp Exhibition and FCJ College are collaborating on a project to collect stories of former migrant camp children who were students at the school.

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