The first A1 or conventional milk was processed at the Girgarre ACM factory last week with organic milk, milk powder, cream and butter set to follow in the coming months.
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Site manager Craig Turner explained how regular and organic milk would be processed simultaneously at the Curr Rd plant.
‘‘The unique thing is the various streams of milk we have had to design for,’’ he said.
‘‘We can unload both streams of milk (organic and A1) with separate dual lines and segregation silos throughout the system.’’
Chief operating officer Jason Limbrick said at capacity the plant would process 200million litres annually and was always destined to be the home of ACM’s organic milk supply.
‘‘The organic milk pool was to get into this factory eventually,’’ he said.
‘‘We currently have 35million litres of organic milk and we have a 50million litre target.
‘‘Currently, the organic milk is being processed in Camperdown.
‘‘Ninety per cent of that will come in here. Before now, farmers have had no designated home for their organic milk.
‘‘It’s great it’s coming here and now the farmers know where it’s going.’’
To reach the target, Mr Limbrick said the field services team was on the lookout for new recruits.
‘‘It’s reasonably small farms for organic (production) so there will be a lot (of farms) locally and a lot throughout the state (that make up the difference).
‘‘A point of difference is that this factory is fit for need. Hopefully we will attract different customers with that approach.’’
In addition to producing milk, powder, cream and butter, civil works will commence on a new cheese plant in the coming months.
An official opening of the Girgarre ACM factory will be held next month.