Deniliquin High School Year 9 and 10 students were in for more hard work than what is normally expected as part of their Fish Park Program.
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Program co-ordinators Tim Van Leishout and Alana Moorse were aware of the calls for assistance with sandbagging in the Deniliquin area and wanted to help.
They decided to divert their Fish Park Program for the day to lend a hand where they could at the Deniliquin airport sandbagging site.
The High School group is part of the Deniliquin Lagoons Restoration Project under the guidance of the Kolety Landcare Lagoon Group.
“All the kids were happy to help out and did it all with a smile, Mr Van Leishout said.
RFS District Officer Doug Adamson was surprised at the extra helping hands and welcomed it saying, “it’s great to see, especially the younger generation assisting of their own accord.”
After assisting with the sandbagging the group will return to normal duties reintroducing native plants and fish to local lagoons and improving the areas.
The group is currently working in Deniliquin’s Blake Reserve adding new picnic tables and seating which will accommodate an outdoor classroom and usage by the general public.