Young Stella was all smiles making a Coolamon clay with Aunty Iris Troutman, a Kooma, Kamilaroi and Ngarabal woman.
Federation Council celebrated NAIDOC Week’s 2022 “Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up” theme on Bpangerang land.
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Federation Council Mayor Pat Bourke said partnering this year with the Indigenous community provided an opportunity for the community to celebrate and learn the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Aunty Iris Troutman, a Kooma, Kamilaroi and Ngarabal woman, and co-founder and CEO of Many Mobs hosted a fun clay Coolamon and Birrani making and decorating activity on Monday. All enjoyed warm Johnny Cakes on the brisk but sunny winter’s morning in Bangerang Park.
Iris provided an Acknowledgement to Country and spoke of how Indigenous people used natural resources to make carrying vessels for food and water, winnowing grains and cooking, and for cradling babies.
Darren ‘Dozer’ Atkinson presented a very special library Storytime on the Wednesday morning.
Uncle Dozer played the didgeridoo and explained to the children how the different sounds gave a signal to the dancers to play their part. He then read the fantastic story ‘Dooty and the Didgeridoo’, about Aboriginal children staying strong in their culture.
To finish up, the children all had a chance to act in the story of the hunter who missed the kangaroo and made the kookaburra laugh, with lots of laughs all round!
Friday’s puppet show provided fun for both young and old. Presented by Little Wings Puppets, ‘The Owl’s Apprentice’, featuring a variety of Australian animals, kids were captured by the story and excited to make their very own puppets, while learning the Bangerang indigenous animal names and pronunciations, kindly provided by Bangerang leader, Uncle Dozer.
Snake = GONA (pronounced Gone-A)
Platypus = BERR-ANG-A
Kookaburra = WI-GI-LUP-KA
Ducks = DOL-MA
Owl = Gokok or Mopoke
Possum = BA-TIA (pronounced Baa-TI-A)
The National “Koori Kids” colouring in and story time competition was held, with opportunity for all school students and the community to be involved.
Council thanks the community for their support and all NAIDOC partners that ensured the NAIDOC Week celebration was the success that it was.
The community is encouraged to stay engaged with further activities continuing after NAIDOC Week.
For anyone wanting to try basket weaving, Aunty Marg Murray from Barkindji will hold a class on Monday, August 1 at Urana and August 5 at Howlong.
For further information, including bookings, event times and dates, please refer to council’s website and social media pages.
Bpangerang man Uncle Dozer Atkinson shares his culture with local children during NAIDOC Week.