The Dhurringile Revitalisation Committee is inviting interested people to hear the latest on community plans for the recently decommissioned Dhurringile Prison site.
The committee will host a community meeting at 7pm on Thursday, March 20, at the Dhurringile Community Centre in Langham Rd, Dhurringile.
The committee has already presented to local government and met with state government ministers and other regional stakeholders.
“Local equine groups have taken a keen interest in the site and believe it offers a wonderful opportunity to establish a leading equine precinct for the Goulburn Valley,” Dhurringile Revitalisation Committee member Natalie Akers said.
Ms Akers has spoken to about 20 equine groups operating in the Goulburn Valley and she said they were interested in the potential of the Dhurringile site.
“The Dhurringile mansion is rich in local history and must be preserved,” she said.
“The committee has also sought input from Heritage Victoria and local tourism organisations on accommodation and tourism options.”