Te Mooi stud is preparing for its second annual sale, to be held on March 3, with a new on-property sale complex built and ready to welcome visitors.
Photo by
Paul Scott
The Guy family from the Ovens Valley, near Wangaratta, made giant leaps forward with its Te Mooi Speckle Park stud program in 2022, including significant stud female acquisitions, and the purchase of a new 132ha property for the stud to call home.
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Now based at Londrigan, the Te Mooi stud is preparing for its second annual sale, to be held on March 3, with a new on-property sale complex built and ready to welcome visitors.
Te Mooi stud principal Paul Guy said the stud’s strategic growth in 2022 was designed to fast-forward their program’s goal of producing profit-improving genetics for the beef industry.
“We are all about what drives profit for the commercial beef producer,” Mr Guy said.
“Our focus starts with the fundamentals of fertility, temperament and structure, and we then measure and select for the financially important traits of calving ease, growth and carcase quality.
“We don’t guess in our program — we weigh, measure and assess to see where the strengths and weaknesses of individuals lie, and we don’t add unknown quantities to the breeding program.
“For a bull to be eligible for use, they must be performance-recorded in a contemporary group, or have numbers of progeny who have been.”
Most bulls sourced and used as sires by Te Mooi are from Australia, as they have been proven in here, and they have been inspected and assessed by the Te Mooi team.
Registration numbers of Speckle Park stud cattle in Australia outstripped Canada for the first time in 2010 — only two years after they were introduced Down Under.
This trend has continued with registered numbers in Australia far exceeding those in Canada.
“We focus on Australian genetics as they are performing in a similar environment and under comparable management practices to our commercial clients,” Mr Guy said.
“Knowing the genetics and watching the animals perform first-hand gives us the confidence to introduce them into our program, as well as providing the reliability and certainty our clients deserve.”
Registration numbers of Speckle Park stud cattle in Australia outstripped Canada for the first time in 2010 — only two years after they were introduced Down Under.
Photo by
Paul Scott